Legal Notice
The sale of products through this website is carried out under the trade name of LOVEUSE; EI registered by Alice Hachasian at RCS Paris 911 516 169 whose head office is located at 109 rue Manin - 75019 Paris.
This site is developed and edited by the publication director and webmaster Carine Benkaid, under the agency www.comintuition.fr
LOVEUSE is hosted by WIX Online Platform Limited located at 1 Grant Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland;
The general conditions of sale detailed below apply to all product orders (except for different specific mentions appearing on the product sheets) placed via the site with LOVEUSE by any person (the customer).
The Customer must read the TCs and accept them prior to any order.
Products purchased on the site;loveuseparis.fr; are sold directly by the registered micro-enterprise RCS Paris 911 516 169 whose head office is located at 109 rue Manin -75019 Paris.
These general conditions of sale define the terms and conditions of distance selling concluded between the company LOVEUSE and any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase of one or more items for sale on the site;https://www.loveuseparis.fr
All the elements constituting the site;loveuseparis.fr; (the texts, images, software, etc.) are protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property. The Customer is therefore prohibited from copying, reproducing and distributing all or part of the site, in any form whatsoever without the express authorization of LOVEUSE;
These conditions apply, to the exclusion of all other conditions, exclusively to non-trading natural persons.
We reserve the right to modify at any time these general conditions of sale, governed by French law, without notice.
The applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the buyer.
To be able to place an order, the Customer must first register on the site by creating an account containing the Customer's information (the Account).
When creating his account, the Customer must ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data he provides. The Customer is required to always update his personal information. In the event of an error in the wording of the recipient's contact details, we cannot be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering products.
The products offered for sale are those described on the site on the day of consultation of the site by the Customer, within the limits of available stocks. These indications are updated automatically in real time. However, an error in the update, whatever its origin, does not engage our responsibility. As such, we cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of an order for a product due to the exhaustion of stocks.
Images of items on the LOVEUSE site are for illustrative purposes only. Although we make every effort to reflect the color of the products as closely as possible, we cannot guarantee that the display of colors on your screen will be accurate. Each product is accompanied by a description drawn up with the greatest possible accuracy.
We also decline all responsibility for the consequences of a malicious act caused by a third party and having led to a modification of the content of the site.
We take the greatest care in the presentation and description of its products to best satisfy the customer's information. However, it is possible that errors may appear on the Site, which the Customer acknowledges and accepts.
Order taking on the site is subject to compliance with the procedure set up by LOVEUSE on the site comprising successive stages leading to the validation of the order.
The Customer can select as many products as he wishes which will be added to the basket. The basket summarizes the products chosen by the customer as well as the prices and costs relating thereto. The Customer may freely modify the basket before confirming his order. The validation of the order is worth confirmation of the acceptance by the customer of the GTC, the products purchased, their price as well as the associated costs.
The order is only validated upon receipt of a confirmation email summarizing the order which will be sent to the Customer. To this end, the Customer formally accepts the use of e-mail for confirmation of the content of his order.
We reserve the right not to register a payment, and not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, and more particularly in the event of a supply problem, or in the event of a difficulty concerning the order received. The Customer cannot invoke any prejudice in this regard.
The fact of validating your order implies for you the obligation to pay the indicated price.
All product orders are subject to product availability;
In this sense, in the event of supply difficulties or if the products are no longer in stock, we will reserve the right to inform you of the possibility of ordering replacement products of the same or greater quality or value. . If you do not wish to order these replacement products, we will refund any amount paid.
Purchases made via this website are not subject to value added tax (VAT) according to article 293 B of the CGI”.
Sending commercial emails to a prospect who has already purchased a product, provided the products are similar to the one they purchased, is permitted by law. LOVEUSE reserves the right to send newsletters under these conditions, subject to the possibility given to the customer to unsubscribe or oppose the receipt of new emails.
The prices of the products are indicated on the site in euros (€) and the delivery is made in any country where the order is authorized by the site.
We reserve the right to modify its prices at any time, but the products will be invoiced on the basis of the prices in force at the time of registration and payment of the order, subject to availability.
The products are payable in cash when the actual order is placed.
Payment for purchases is made by bank card only.
The products remain the property of LOVEUSE until full payment of their price.
The data recorded and kept by LOVEUSE constitutes proof of the order and all sales made on the site;www.loveuseparis.fr
We will not be considered responsible or in default for any delay or non-performance resulting from the occurrence of a case of force majeure usually recognized by case law (such as disruptions, strikes or total or partial closures of postal services and means of transport for cause technical or public health etc...) or in case of out of stock or unavailability of the product.
We cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses.
We will be liable for any manufacturing defect that exists when the product is delivered and that appears within 1 year from the date of purchase. This warranty is valid under normal use of the product.
If the customer uses the products abnormally or not in compliance, the consequences resulting from these uses are excluded from the scope of the contractual guarantees. Are excluded from the warranty: defects resulting from accidents, improper or abusive handling or use (such as shocks, marks of blows, crushing, exposure to corrosive agents ), as well as the consequences of the acidity of the skin, wear and normal aging of the jewel. In addition, normal wear and a certain patina linked to the repeated wearing of our products cannot in any case be considered as a lack of conformity within the meaning of this provision.
On the other hand, any defective part due to a manufacturing defect duly noted by our customer service will be repaired or replaced. As soon as the Customer encounters a problem during this warranty period, the Customer must contact customer service to find out how to return and find an appropriate solution.
LOVEUSE will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code. LOVEUSE computerized registers will be considered by all parties concerned as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.
We undertake not to disclose to third parties the information that you communicate to it. These remain confidential. They will only be used by our internal services for the processing of your order or any other form of communication between LOVEUSE and its customers. They are kept for a maximum of 5 years.
Pursuant to Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the customer has a right of access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to information concerning him, under the conditions provided for by law. and the regulations in force.